Our Complimentary SOFTPAQ
The complimentary SOFTPAQ library is our most comprehensive ongoing add-on software support at your fingertips.
With every TV box purchase, we will give you access to a complimentary software library called SOFTPAQ. It contains hard-to-find apps not available from the Google Play Store. These apps have been thoroughly tested to be compatible with your device and they are free of malware.
Access SOFTPAQ Online
You will access our SOFTPAQ library online using the Unlinked app. (The Unlinked app should already be preinstalled on your TV box. But in case it is not, you can install it from the developer’s website.) You will also need our private library code printed on the Customer Support card from your TV box package. When you open the Unlinked app, enter the library code to view our latest apps.
If you have misplaced your Customer Support card, contact us and we will give you the library code again.